
Sunday, November 7, 2010


Our previous post was an introduction of the talented artists in Chicago represented at our trunk show. And a giveaway.

Mona Thompson (on the left) of the wonderful sister blog  Providence Ltd Design
(sorry, my link is not cooperating for Mona's blog. Go to
Design inspiration galore. And take a look at Mona's home on the cover of AT HOME IN ARKANSAS
Their feature 'Sunday Supper' is my go to for quick and original recipes.

Mona chose a copper cuff by Lisa York

There was not a second place but I just had to. Sue of The Zhush, a must see blog, has a daughter affectionately called Veve.

I cannot resist, the Sugar Cookie soap bars would be perfect.

The other WIN..............

Calling all bloggers!
A meet up in L.A.. For an incredible opportunity of learning, inspiration, and friendship.
The inaugural Design Bloggers Conference.  Drool here

My winter schedule is quickly getting booked
January; Two weeks of intensive schooling in Las Vegas, thank goodness it is intensive, not a vegas girl.
The New York gift show and visiting friends.........who else is coming?

Closet and drawer year

Have a wonderful week!


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