
Sunday, February 28, 2010

THOSE THAT INSPIRE.......Nashville

The Nashville Garden and Antique Show 
Part two..........'The People of Nashville.'
Sorry for the silence, have been away on business, a landscape conference in California
(wait until you see those pictures)

As promised I wanted to share with you the individuals that made the trip so worthwhile. Those that inspire both creativity and generosity. 

First presentation;

Construction began in 1096, was purchased by the current family, the Percy's in 1309 and later honored as the Duke and Duchesses' of Northumberland, it's region.
Many films including the Harry Potter series have filmed here.

Her Grace, the Duchess of Northumberland and family moved to the castle upon the unexpected death of her husband's brother. The once proud gardens were long since abandoned and derelict. This one-woman force possessed a dream; revive and re-create the gardens beyond all expectations.  Within 13 years the Duchess has displayed a steel reserve, rebounded a suffering local economy, her design collaborations included unimaginable forethought for children, the elderly, handicapped and the "down-trodden".............all typically excluded from garden visiting, a national past time in England.

Notice children and the elderly interacting.
All funding was from private and public fund raising efforts plus a nice stipend from her reluctant but supportive husband. The Duchess does not earn a penny from this legacy.

Visual beauty is an equal component

Her "safely dangerous" poison garden. A collection of plants that kill and cure. Carefully monitored and guarded, children in particular learn about the dangers of drug abuse and the miracle of drugs.

This extraordinary woman could merit several posts, her story is amazing. for additional information go here.

Presenter number 2

Renown Interior Designer Michael S. Smith. of Southern California

You may recall his recent commission, The White House and found your interest peaked.

An approachable demeanor with a self-deprecating sense of humor brought him down to earth despite being the designer "to the stars".

Bedroom with hand painted mural in the tradition of Msr. Zuber.
I was stunned to learn that his first commission was from the first female head of a film studio and he was twenty three years old!
How does that happen?!

Some of his shared thoughts;

-Prefers his rooms to develop a "layered" look; mirrors on tapestry, sea grass over orientals...
-Disdains wall to wall carpeting
-Bigger is NOT better in regards to home building (YES!!)
-Major influence is Albert Hadley
-Define the architecture and spirit of the house, let that be your guideline

Presenter number 3

Slightly eccentric garden designer extraordinare  Ryan Gainey of Atlanta

Designs landscapes with great depth and in the English tradition of "rooms" versus expansive lawns. His mentor was the late Rosemary Verey.

Structure is a key design component; stone, wood and boxwood are his primary components.

A glimpse of his rear garden in Decatur, Georgia. Notice the neatly clipped climbing ivy framing the greenhouse windows. Seemingly strong willed he admits that his clients must..........
"understand the force of HIS nature."  Visit him here.

The lovely Lizzy, a friend and amazing jewelry craftswoman. Displaying at the venue, Lizzy's jewelry transports me to a time of elegance but with a contemporary edge. Visit her here.

All pieces are utilizing "found" objects but it's the assemblage that takes her art to an inspiring level.

The favorites in my personal collection are from Lizzy and they are the bits that spark liveliest conversation

Joyce Scruggs, one of my blog subscribers, former home builder......over 60 homes! (I happen to think more homes should be designed and built by women), hostess extraordinaire, tremendously fun and energetic.

Joyce, originally hailing from Illinois read that we were coming to Nashville for the show. This darling woman called her sister Shirley, one of our clients, in Illinois, Joan a sister from Colorado and Trish, a local friend of Joyce's in Nashville to gather and welcome us.

They wanted to invite my group to her home and demonstrate true southern hospitality.I am still amazed!

Never have I been more welcomed into someone's home. Check this out....a pastry covered baked brie. See what I mean about company's initials in puff pastry! 


The perfectly set desert table with individual banana puddings in the handled basket.


                                             Our hostesses and tour attendees

Having lost 6 camera's in 2009, yes...6....i was down to a low level point n' shoot which is a shame as the details of this gorgeous home are lost...and half were too blurry for use.

L to R;  Shirley (sister), Sally, Joyce (our hostess), Susan (Sally's sister), Ardie and Carole
At the door upon saying our "good-bye's" was a platter with these parting gifts!

Back home with a better camera...........glassine containers filled with three mini muffins. Friend Trish, made the charming wrapping with a die-cutting craft machine.

Walking in Town

First, last week wasn't all that great...on Thursday the husband called me to tell me the car had broke down on the side of the highway. I swear I could write a comedy on broken down cars, I mean just look back through the archive to see how many we've had. Keep in mind we got this car (yes used) after our van broke down on the highway. Well on Friday he got the car towed to the house, they

Anybody else ready to get OUTDOORS ???

Spring must be close. When I start looking at patio pictures, it usually means the end of winter is here !! I will be looking for pictures of smaller yards and what to do if you have no yard for future post ! Happy Sunday !

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Finally We Have Snow

Tundra SwanFebruary 22, 2010We have had such a mild, precipitation winter this year that I have been extremely concerned as to what this will mean to our local farmers and home gardeners. Despite getting little more than a light flurry with no accumulation between November 2009 and January 2010, February gave a bit of home with now the second of two snow storms consisting of good accumulation.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Giveaway List

It's Friday and what better way to celebrate than by entering (and hopefully winning) giveaways. If you are having a giveaway please sign the mr. linky and add yours. Enjoy your weekend!

To any PR people out there, I love hosting giveaways so feel free to email me at

I thought some of you might like a bigger list:

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Softlips Review & Giveaway

How many of you have went through a day picking at your lips because they were dry? Or saw your child doing it? Chances are with the weather being as cold as it has in the past two months more and more people will be needing to reach for a stick to moisten their lips. Now, I've stated here before of my love for Softlips and how my son refuses to use them but the girls just adore those tiny

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The New Look and some Info

This is still the same old "The Life of a Home Mom," however now there is a bit more color to it. At this point I'm not sure why you can't just click a post title and go to that page. But I do know on the sidebar you can click the name there and it will take you to that page.

Comments are still a go, at the bottom of each post it says comments. Click on the comment to write one. It will then

Review of Motherhood

I was recently sent "Motherhood" the movie in order to review it. This is one of those mommy movies that I think all of us can relate to if you know what I mean. There are always the great days we may have as moms but it isn't often that we describe, in great details the bad ones. The movie starts off with a very tired mom looking over a to do list for her daughter's birthday party in the middle

Wordless Wednesday: Hurry Up Spring

It's cold, plant life is frozen and I'm ready for Spring. Anyone else?  Happy WW!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

No Shop Time – BOO HISS and Grumble even

I am sure I am not the only woodworker that feels this way, but I feel like I don’t get enough shop time.  Actually I don’t get enough consistent shop time.  I will go through phases where I will be out there most every night for a week or so and then guess what happens life gets in the way again and I have a slump. 

My wife and I started a project together that I mentioned in a previous blog.  This was a momentous occasion for me finally something that I am interested in that we can share together. 

I mean I have a BUNCH of hobbies to many sometimes and some I just can’t afford right now.  I have been a pilot since I was 16 years old, I fly stunt kites, remote control airplane and play guitar among a few other hobbies. 

However woodworking has started becoming more of a passion than just a hobby.  I am finding myself wanting to learn more about the artistry of working wood and learning all the techniques both old and new. 

So for her to express an interest in learning this hobby I couldn’t have been happier, but unfortunately life tends to get in the way of hobbies and we have yet to be able to finish this project.  I am looking forward to completing it with her she is very close and as I mentioned in the previous blog she is doing a great job.  I hope this is a start to a shared addiction hobby for the two of us. 

It will totally be easier to convince her we need more tools if she wants to use them as well.

Keep your eyes peeled and hopefully sometime this week we can finish out the project and get it posted.

Have a Great Day!

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Monday, February 22, 2010

Ice Shuts School Doors

Well, early, early this morning I found out the kids would not be going to school. Why? Oh you remember all that snow that has been hitting, well starting Saturday Night we ended up getting hit with snow, ice pellets, slush, etc. By Sunday we were getting more ice pellets and snow to cover the top of the ice.
In my email this morning (remember I don't have cable), I had an email from the school

Wash Them Grow Sweepstakes Ends Tonight

I tweeted and facebook'd this but I wanted to give everyone a last minute notice again:

Suave Kids “Wash Them Grow” Sweepstakes, which has offered awesome weekly prizes. Tonight is the very last night you can enter. You can still have a chance at winning a Family e-Keepsake Kit (that includes a video camera, laptop and digital camera) and the Grand Prize of a family vacation to Orlando! If I

Pine Cone Hill

I have heard of Pine Cone Hill in the past but honestly, I have not checked out their stuff in along time. WOW! They have some fantastic stuff ! Click on the post title to go to their website.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Small is beautiful......

Snowball Throwing Winners

I've tried emailing both winners of the Snowball Throwing Contest. I will now post them here and give them 24 hours to respond.

Derk Thomas:  Snowball Throwing Training was the best, but there are some other good ones.

Kimberly:  I like the video regarding the snow throwing uniform.
If you are either of these people (Derk's email came back saying it didn't exist) please email me

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Spelling Bee

Wednesday, BalletGirl was in her school Spelling Bee!!! Now she didn't place but I'm so very proud that she knew enough words to even get there. Of course she's not understanding that. Her word that put her out was......GAZELLE and I think it'll be one that she never forgets.

How many of you were in a Spelling Bee as a kid? Chances are if you were then you still remember that word that made you

BalletGirl Won a Jar of Kisses!!!

Okay I should've posted this yesterday but I had to let BabyGirl shine in her moment. On Thursday both girls came home with surprises, BabyGirl with her chocolates and her bigger sister with a jar of kisses. This jar of kisses she won by guessing how many was in them. She said she did what I taught her, count the side and multiply it by four and add up. She basically had it right and she won so

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Changing Times

Change is part of every gardener's life. At the moment many of us are dealing with changing climate issues that are changing the way we garden. This year may prove to be more change for us than we originally planned. If all goes according to plan I will be setting up 2 home gardens in 2 very different growing zones. I don't want to say a lot until I am sure but rest assure I will be posting



We are back!  The perfect time of year to escape and think spring while enjoying inspiring display gardens, eye popping antiques, extraordinary speakers and genuine southern hospitality. The grand entrance garden above is difficult to capture on film and was created by Ryan Gainey; designer of great merit and one of the featured speakers.

Mr. Gainey's structural elements included willow and in this case a 'wattle fence' and "grounding" with boxwoods.

Raised willow beds up close

Willow structure. Note the varying size of the willow used and the intricate patterns
ESPALIERS (pronounced;  'S PALL YEAH' ) the training of trees or shrubs onto a flat structure. Originally developed in Europe when space was limited, and primarily with fruit bearing trees. They were planted and trained against a wall, this method produces an over-abundance of fruit.
Here it is trained into a free-standing arbor.
An interesting display with varying levels, a water feature, spring and winter plantings, beautiful stone with creeping thyme scenting the pathways.
The greater the distance for falling water, the louder the sound.
Elements of a courtyard
A contemporary garden. Take note of the repetition of the "diamond" shape in this garden.
(not easily detected here but the limestone floor is laid in a diamond pattern)
Back "wall"
Up close. The glass block squares repeat the design, reflect light and provide some privacy while still allowing for cooling airflow.
The vendors come from all over the world. From the wildly...."what are they thinking" expensive to the affordable "I'll take twelve!"
These terra cotta pots are hand made, fired to 1800 degrees, are frost proof and reasonably priced.
Finds from Belgium
Having good taste..... is a curse......I slowly backed away from the lovely 18th century chest priced at $53,000.00!
Architectural elements still reign.

How many of these shows have you been to with a centrally located bartender?! 
One of the best Bloody Mary's I have ever sipped
Two of the ladies on our excursion. Delores on the left and friend, Linda on the right

To walk this show I had to pass this booth with a pair of these GORGEOUS chalkboards, constantly. Note the hardware at the top and the three dimensional nature from not resting on the wall. These were the first thing my eyes landed on upon opening......

dealer;  "SORRY, SOLD!"
me; "how, the show just opened?" 
dealer; "Oh before the preview movie stars and country stars are allowed in for two hours. Martina McBride bought both."   


 Interesting display; white tulips, a few sticks and short handled brushes! Yes, brushes.....look closely at the photo above.

Another great display.....massive cutting board with a stack of small antlers.

Speakers;   Duchess of Northumberland
                  Michael S. Smith
                  Ryan Gainey

artisan:        Lizzy, jeweler to the stars

Hostess;      Joyce Scruggs and sisters

                                                MY FIVE FAVORITE PASSIONS FROM THE SHOW

                                          Creative use of REPURPOSED ELEMENTS

                                            In this case mossy drain tiles artfully arranged. Wouldn't this be
                                            great with a variety of succulents, set on pea-gravel?

Mad for vintage signs used indoors and out. The Dentist sign came home with me and can be found in the shop, for sale!

                                                            VIVID COLOR COMBINATIONS
As a whole we tend to shy away from orange, but.......give it a chance to brighten your borders or containers. Paired with blue and chartreuse is eye-popping

In all shapes and varieties

                                                               WEATHER VANE ORNAMENTS
They are silent storytellers. Who had a cockerel made and why? The upper class and tradesmen's ornaments spoke of a trade, family history or a passion. This lovely one caught my eye. The price?  $29,500.00


 A treasured friend and record holding Pastry Chef,  Msr. Alain Roby,  has produced his first cookbook. Even I, the baking impaired, can produce beautiful and original sweets. Record holding???? Yes, multiple times and if you can, check out the Martha Stewart show thursday the 18th, Alain will be on the show.   Hope you can join us