
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Workers Get $6.6 Million Year End Bonus

Wow, this is one company that knows how to treat their employees. An Illinois company that was recently acquired by a Sweden group decided to (the old employer) treat the staff with a nice Thanksgiving gift. Each member was given their own turkey for Thanksgiving, which is a great gesture, but they weren't expecting the following:They gave away $6.6 million in year-end bonuses to Peer's 230

Friday, November 28, 2008

Kajeet For Kids

You might remember my review last year of the Kajeet Sanyo Kantana, I also LOVED that little phone. Not only was my son able to use it back and forth to school but we were able to try it out during our move. (hubby traveled cross country in a moving van testing it out)Guess what? I'm now a Kajeet Mom, by this I mean I sell Kajeet phones and this new one I have is a beauty. It's the Red Samsung

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Delta's Disney Princess Black Friday deals

Delta's Disney Princess, Cars 20 pc Room in a Box on sale for $77.49, Friday 11/28 from 5am -1pm only at TRU, BRU (picture attached)ShopSat & Sun at KMART for BOGO 1/2 off on licensed toddler furniture from DELTA -Princesses, Dora, Car

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: After Twilight

We just saw Twilight, had to get some Hot Fudge. Happy WW! Did you see Twilight? What did you think?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Giveaways Days Before Black Friday

Lille Punkin' Reviews has a few giveaways for ya:- $25 GC to Target- cute Jooble- 2 Avon products (bamboo reed diffuser, Jillian Dempsey Essential Beauty Palette)Sweet Figments is having a Blog a Day Giveaway, now you'll have to go by there to find out what is being given away on that particular day. I see candles, journals, earrings and so much more.Type A Mom is having a 12 days of Christmas

Saturday, November 22, 2008

What I Wish: A Christmas Tree

This past month has been one thing after another, but I realized when things start going right again what I want to do. See, I was inside Walmart this past month and being the holiday season they have everything decorated. The thing that caught my eye though was the Christmas tree with all those wishes on it. This doesn't normally get to me, most of the time I don't stop to read them as I have

Friday, November 21, 2008

Home Offices

One of my favorite rooms to really put a lot of thought into is my home office. With spaces being scarce, it takes some thought. Mine is in my main living area, taking up one small wall. I think the main thing you have to consider is what you actual use your home office for, and then go from there. Sometimes keeping the laptop by your bedside is all you will really need. Do you have a dedicated space for a home office? Mine is used primarily to pay bills, keep all the "papers" organized and surf the net.

Pre-Black Friday Giveaway

In honor of the upcoming BLACK FRIDAY, I know a ton of you will be running around for BLACK FRIDAY and I wanted to give one winner a prize. Thanks though to MomSelect for sending me my preview pack.One lucky winner will get a $10 BearBuck$ gift card. For those that don't know Build-a-Bear has a website online and now your kids can get on and have a ball. The bucks can help bring a build-a-bear

Thursday, November 20, 2008

BalletGirl's 13 Thursday Wishlist

A girl can dream can't she and boy does she like the color pink.1 Littlest Pet Shop VIP Penguin2 Fur Real Friends Biscuit My Lovin Pup3 Littlest Pet Shop Digital Electronic Interactive Organizer Pink (we have the green but she wants the pink)4 Fisher-Price Kid-Tough Waterproof Digital Camera Pink (she loves pink)5 Fur Berries Teal with Bonus DVD (pink of course) None as poppables in the 80s6 Tini

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Joe's Jeans Giveaway

Want to win a pair? Head over to Joe's Jeans Giveaway and enter. BalletGirl LOVES them, they fit moms and kids. Happy WW!

Joe's Jeans Giveaway

The Life of a Home Mom is having a BIG giveaway thanks to Joe's Jeans. For those that don't know Joe Jeans are the same type that have been seen on one of my favorite actresses, Katie Holmes. Remember her wearing them here? They want every day moms to feel beautiful.Well Joe Jeans wants to give 5 pairs of jeans away, which is a perfect holiday gift for young or old. That's right while you'll see

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tuesday Giveaways

We are closing in on Thanksgiving and I have a few giveaways in store for you here at "The Life of a Home Mom" and listed below. Let me know if you get lucky and win anything.If you'd like me to host a giveaway or review a product for you (don't ask for it back) send an email to Homemom3@gmail.comGIVEAWAYS:Over at A Bookworm(Mom)'s Diaryyou can actually win something yummy to eat while you are

Win $500

Are you ready for the Digital TV transition? I'm not and I'm not lieing, I love my tv and just haven't been able to afford the transfer. Until Whiskey Falls told me, I had no clue I could get a government coupon for $40 off. One more thing, looks like I'm not the only one with rabbit ears. Okay, not really but basically what I have. Okay, I guess the $500 I can win but you can win something

New Twist on "Wheels On the Bus"

Whether you are a mom or not you've probably sang or heard of "The Wheels on the Bus," but something tells me you've never seen it like this. While searching for yet another nursery song for my two youngest (which I've heard a bazillion times) I came across this video. I could totally watch this over and over. How about you? Does this bring a nice twist to nursery rhymes? Okay, I'm off to listen

Lands' End Fleece Winner

Congratulations to the winner of the Lands' End Fleece, these are really warm. Redpolkadotgirl since we are going skiing at Christmas this year, I'd love to get the Women's Angel Boots1I've just emailed you, but if you don't get it email me at

Friday, November 14, 2008

Bloggy Giveaway Winners

Will the following please contact me:My youngest would like the hot stuff lunch box in navy!!! He has to carry his lunch everyday because "the lunchroom food is yucky!!!".sherri419 atgmail dot com# posted by sherri419please contact me at, you've WON the Lands' End lunchboxof your choice. Hopefully he'll get a warm lunch that isn't YUCKY. :)For the Baskets of Indulgence I need

No Elves in This House

Well the good news is we are getting closer to my two favorite days..., Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Why? I can stock up and getting all those christmas gifts for the kids reduced prices. One of which I won't even have to leave the house. haha. I'm even getting my list ready, too bad Walmart won't release their list until November 24th. Confused by the title? Well, SoccerBoy was trying out to

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In Remembrance

I come from a strong military family with ancestors that were instrumental in shaping the history of Canada. I grew up surrounded by relatives who had fought for this country. Some of them made the ultimate sacrifice and while they are no longer here they live forever in our memories. If this video does not bring tears to your eyes, nothing will. On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th

Making their Wishes by the Cove

Do your children already have their Christmas Wish lists? Mine have been putting circles in magazines and initials by pictures whenever I pick up a catalog. They even put together a list for me, just in case I forget to grab one of the catalogs. I found a fun place though online that I think the kids, and maybe yours would enjoy. It is called WishCove and it has a theme of a small island with

Happy Veteran's Day

To all those that have fought, I wish you a happy Veteran's Day. For all those that have not, I wish you'd take a moment right now to think of those you may know that have had a part in it. I wish you all a good day, to my papa who fought long ago. My uncle Butch who was in Vietnam, my father who didn't have to fight but was in the military helping in the states during war times. To my husband

Monday, November 10, 2008

Barbie and the Diamond Castle Movie Tour

The moment the "Barbie and the Diamond Castle" movie came in BabyGirl has been watching it. Of course even after the movie has ended I still hear the lines. No it isn't still playing in the background but the girls (BabyGirl and BalletGirl) are playing out various parts in their show.I knew BabyGirl wanted to see this since she screamed all about it during a preview on Mariposa. So of course when

Happy Birthday Marine Corps!

Today is the 233rd Marine Corp Birthday, so Happy Birthday to ya'll that have been in, are in or have served four our beautiful country. We may no longer be in the corps but our blood still runs deep in it and yes we will be celebrating.The Marine Corps Birthday goes back to November 10, 1775 in a small tavern known as Tun Tavern in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Course it wouldn't be until 1925

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Update 3

Sorry it has taken me a bit longer than anticipated for updating. I really wanted to update the background to the new style that I like but at the same time I wanted to keep the ivy graphic. Most of the updating is finished and I'm happy with the results. Over the next few days you may notice a few minor changes but nothing really disruptive. I'm considering eliminating both the "digg" and "

More Updating

I'm working on finishing up the blog changes today so don't worry if you see a few strange things going on.Happy Gardening!Garden Gnome©2006-2008

Friday, November 7, 2008

I LOVE Ghirardelli Chocolate!

I was recently given the opportunity to review some Ghirardelli Chocolates and I am happy I got the chance. Thank you MomCentral and Ghirardelli, I heart you. As for the rest of you, I had 5 bars sent to me and each one had a flavor of its own. Now BabyGirl gets to try things right along with me since she's home all day with me and her favorite was the Hazelnut because there were lots of nuts

Word Number Play

I love a whimsical touch in decor. Try a lighthearted fun touch. I have lots of "words" all over my house. Just took a huge wall by my front door and turned it into a giant chalkboard. Have fun when you decorated. Your kids will love it too..

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Kid Held down in Sewer by Another

Yesterday I saw what undisciplined children were really like and it made me sick to my stomache. I'd like some advice before I actually get into trouble or stand by and watch something so sick ever again.We have tons of trees losing their leaves around here, so much you could pile a few children under it and never know. The leaves can go up to your knees in part of the cul-de-sac on our street.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Blog Update: Starting tomorrow morning I will be updating this blog somewhat. You may see some weird things going on as I test things out. Most of the changes will involve the sidebar and header. I'm still debating other changes like the background. Please don't worry though as these changes will not affect the posts or archives. So please bare with me for the next couple of days. I

First Minsky's Visit

Last night we went on a walk (see what happens with no vehicle) and ended up in front of Minsky's Pizza joint here in Lees Summit. I must say I was shocked that it wasn't as packed as I pictured it would've been on a Monday Night...ya know with football and all. For those that don't know rumor has it Democrats will win because the Redskins lost...I was rooting for the Redskins, I hope this isn't

Bloggy Winner #1

The winner for my Savory Memories is....(#225)My kids love the pre cut cookies and I do too....Thank you# posted by linda aCongratulations! Can you email me your address at within the next 24 hours. Thank you.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Car Sits...

Many of you have wrote in with your kind letters and helpful words of wisdom, so far, the car just sits in front of the driveway. We live on a slight hill so the tow truck had to leave it on the street as it couldn't make the uphill since the tires won't budge.What we tried:- tried turning the wheel- tried undoing something (plastic thing)- tried bouncing it- tried turning wheel left and

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Car Help Needed: Car Won't start

Last night we went to McDonald's and when we came back out the car wouldn't start. The steering wheel just wouldn't move. When you put the key in it won't turn. We ended up having to get it towed home but hoping someone here can help us figure out how to get it to work again. Please help if you've ever experienced this. Thank you.2001 Dodge Grand Caravan