
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pepsi Throw Giveaway

How many of ya'll like Pepsi? Pepsi and I go way back, heck for a while there that's what kept me living back in high school. By the way kids that is not a good thing, you should always eat and drink a regular meal. Don't rely on soda to keep ya going.Throughout my life Pepsi has always come and gone through my house. Today, it still does.Okay so what's going on you ask? Pepsi Throwback will be

Pepsi Throwback Giveaway Coming soon....

That's right I have a contest coming soon so keep watching. In the meantime watch the Pepsi Throwback commercial. Talk about a blast from the past.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Chucky Cheese

My two precious girls at Chucky Cheese. You know it's the place where a kid can be a kid and well, lets just say ... I had a lot of fun. Two weeks ago I got the news my Nanny (grandmother) had passed on and the funeral would be that week so off we went for a road trip. We left on Wednesday morning from Missouri and got there late that night, it took 14 hours to arrive in Ohio. We booked our hotel

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mother Birds

Imagine creating something as complicated as a nest without hands.

Mother birds everywhere are busy creating nests for her precious eggs with a skilled beak.

give them a hand.........

This time of year my dogs Cooper and Woofie, massively shedding Corgi's, get brushed outside. I allow the hair to fly away, soon to be snapped up as a cushy nest lining. Also think about recycling your lint from the dryer. Set the collected lint aloft, woven into nesting materials, the soon to be baby birds will enter this world in comfort.

Monday, April 27, 2009

X-14 Vanishes Stains

Thanks to MomCentral and X-14 I have a clean bathroom. Okay, for this review...yes it is another review post but I absolutely love this stuff. Minus the smell. Can ya'll please make one that has a vanilla or a lavendar scent? I don't know if it is possible but I know several that would like it more, myself included. But with that being stated it does an excellent job cleaning up. WOW.X-14 Spray

Sunday, April 26, 2009

CVS Trip (April 26-May 2)

First for those that don't know I write a coupon blog over at Sales Weekly where I post all the deals and coupons for the week. Just in case some were wondering where I find all these deals. The Sunday Paper and ALL YOU Magazine at Walmart have become two of my favorite items to buy. I'm going to post what this should've been but after I'm going to add one more thing.Okay the hubby had one of

My CVS Scenario

I'm going to try to play the CVS $5 Challenge and then in the following post I'll post what I actually bought. The object as you can probably guess is to spend as little out of pocket but never going over $5. By the way I did get some of this but not all or even this route, I had one of those $10 off $50 coupons to spend. So here's my scenario for the $5 challenge:Scenario 1:Transaction #1CVS:-

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: ROAD TRIP!

Here's a view from the road. We are on our way to Ohio, this is a VERY long trip as you can see. Can you guess where this is?Happy WW!

Happy Earth Day 2009! A Gardener's Perspective

Today the world celebrates Earth Day 2009. There are many special events being hosted world wide as the world focuses on saving our planet. While Earth Day brings an immediate awareness to our planet's plight, living green is something each and everyone of us should strive for daily. There are so many things we can do daily that do make a difference not only on a personal level but as a small

Outdoors is Calling !

When you live in a small space, chances are your outdoor space is small too. But that does not mean you can't have a stylish place to go, even if its as simple as two chairs and a small table. Look at your space and carve out any niche you can. A small balcony, a spot in the corner of the yard. Anything is possible if you look and think outside the box!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

CVS Shopping Trip

I hit up CVS again yesterday, with me were all four kids until one wasn't very happy being there and I sent him out to daddy. But in the end it was a good day and I have plenty of toothpaste and shampoo now to last us a while. I don't have as much as some I have seen but enough for me....that is unless I can get it for pennies or free. Have you shopped at CVS before? Do you play the game? If not

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Weekend

What was Easter Weekend like? To be honest it was quiet and fun and loud all at the same time. How's that you ask? Easy, I have four kids and know that my life could be quieter or louder than it was. Plus there was no huge drama that went on, not unless you count them having to wait to find the easter eggs the bunny left behind.Saturday morning we woke bright and early. Yes, I know it wasn't

Mourning Doves (Zenaida macroura)

Mourning Dove(Zenaida macroura)March 26, 2009Mourning doves (Zenaida macroura) visited the kids' garden providing on ground clean-up below the bird feeder. Now I have a love/hate relationship with these birds. In reality they are rather beneficial birds in the garden as they eat almost exclusively seeds but in a pinch will eat insects and snails. They provide the clean-up crew under bird

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sonic Winner is...

The winner of the delicious $20 Sonic Card and Sonic Zoo tots is........JinxyandmeI like the giraffe and onion rings from Sonic!Email me with your mailing address. homemom3@gmail.comCONGRATULATIONS!!!

Wordless Wednesday: Easter Bunny Hop

I took this when we went to the Downtown Easter Bunny Hop over the weekend and thought it would make the perfect Easter picture. No there isn't a bunny but there are baskets. Wow, here's my group all together and no one is fighting. No on a serious note I was surprised because every one of them had a smile. From left to right: Little A (in the stroller), BalletGirl, BabyGirl and SoccerBoy. Happy

Eastern Chipmunk - Genus Tamias

Eastern ChipmunkMarch 25, 2009The Eastern chipmunk is a member of the rodentia family and like all members have long front teeth for gnawing. They mate in the spring and again in the summer. One pair can produce 8 to 10 offspring per year. Our family is well acquainted with the Eastern chipmunk with most of that experienced gained though a couple of decades of camping. These cute little

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus)

Red-winged Blackbird(Agelaius phoeniceus) March 22, 2009I recently spent a couple of weeks at the home of oldest grandbaby so managed to get a few pictures of their garden visitors. Everyday a few Red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) would visit the feeders. Red-winged blackbirds are members of the passerine family. Males display the bright red wing band while the females are a rather

Sunday, April 12, 2009

CVS Run for April 5-11

Last week I hit both CVS and Walgreens, now I could've done better but didn't. I did need the baskets and a few other items and already had some money ($5.49 ECBs).Transaction #1:$20 in cover girl items: $13 & $7 itemsOOP: $9.51ECBs earned: $10$3.99 Pot of gold BOGO (I got two for the price of one).88 pringles (6).99 Glade Spray (6).79 Easter Grass (2)Total: $12.06OOP: .06USED: 10 ECBEarned ECB

Win a Lola Et Moi Dress at Babylune!

I'm giving away a Lola Et Moi Dress over at Babylune, stop by and comment in order to win. I'd love to see a reader when this. The dress is valued at over $180 and is from a Hollywood Boutique that has actually had customers such as Kelly Ripa, Salma Hayek and many other movies stars' children in there.Here's the dress: Isn't it cute? This ends in two weeks.

Happy Easter!

Happy Gardening!Garden Gnome©2006-2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

Win Sonic Zoo Tots!

The family and I went to the Kansas City Zoo on Valentine's Day and boy did we have fun. My favorite part was watching the Chimpanzee, course it was also my saddest since he was all by himself and looked so lonely. However we were amused by the kangaroos, deer and llamas and can't wait to go back. I was recently contacted and asked if I'd host yet another giveaway, this time the winner will get:-

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Disney on Ice Review

This wasn't our first time seeing Minnie Mouse, but it was definitely a first to watch them skate around on ice. I've always found Mickey and Minnie as Magical, which really fit with the theme of the show. See, we once lived in California and constantly visited Disneyland while we lived down there. Check out the picture below at one of our many trips. (Yes, many years ago, that is SoccerBoy and

Meeting Minnie Mouse and Other Mom Bloggers

As ya'll know, we went to Disney on Ice last night in Kansas City and LOVED every minute of it. First, we got there early....a bit too early and had to wait around a bit. I was invited to attend a special event before the show where we got to meet a very special guest. As you can see it was Minnie, too bad my camera didn't take. Each child got their picture taken with her and I'll try to post

Friday, April 3, 2009

Disney On Ice Here We Come!

Actually the truth is we have arrived and I'm actually waiting for the group to get here. I guess that's what I get for being an early bird. Oh well, it gives us time to get ready and a parking spot. Here's what we have for tonight.SoccerBoy brought himself a spiral notebook to jot down any ideas he gets and to write about things so he doesn't forget, plus he might get autographs. We aren't sure

Thursday, April 2, 2009


my posts don't seem to be showing up so this is a test run.

Bakugan and Cards & Kids

We recently got sent a Bakugan Battle Pack and boy were the kids impressed. Okay, for starters I had no clue what this was and to me it looked very much like Pokemon...not to worry I've since been told I was way off. For those that don't know Bakugan is a Japanese animated show that deals with magic cards on Cartoon Network. Here's the theme song on youtube:We got the battle pack Coffret Combat

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Listerine Total Care: Do You Rinse?

MomCentral & Johnson recently sent my family a bottle of Listerine Total Care mouth wash. I will not lie, my children ar huge on the whole rinse and spit routine. They absolutely love mouth wash, ummm, I think this is a good thing. But the hard thing is finding a good one at reasonable prices. The Total Care actually does 6 different things for yo at once.Listerine Cares:*restores enamel*helps

Win Zoo Tots!

Another Contest is Coming soon! You'll be able to win some of these guys, keep watching my posts.

Tips for Growing Herbs

Many are interested in putting in vegetable gardens this year partly as a way of keeping the ever rising food costs in check. At the same time herbs should be considered for a few reasons. Fresh herbs are a wonderful way to add a lot of flavour to dishes without a lot of cost. Second and most important is some herbs act as companion plants improving the growth of some vegetables or acting as