
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Little A Discovered his Nipples

Okay, I've been weaning my youngest (almost 2) and I guess he was looking for another alternative. Imagine my surprise as I hear, "Milk. Milk?"I look over at Little A who has unzipped his zipper and is actually grabbing his nipples. I try to ignore it, but I once again hear, "Milk?"I smile, "nipples. That is your chest."But he's insistant and smiles really big, "MILK!" Suddenly he's trying to

Friday, February 27, 2009

Crayola Toothbrush Winner

The winner of the Crayola Toothbrush kit is.....CDStardust said...I really like the Crayola Flossers, my 4 year old tries to use real floss or our EZ Thru flossers, its too cute! The way I encourage him to brush his teeth is by saying "you have to say cheese" to brush his fronts, and "you have to say ahhhh" to get his back and sides. He loves it! He always asks "are my teeth clean?" and I will

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

February Giveaways for You

Babylune is giving away 2 organizers from Amy Knapp, one is for Christians and the other is for those Expecting.SheKnows Coupons is giving away College Inn Broths and stocks for your home. Check them out, all you have to do is list a recipe or what you'd use them for.Right here, at The Life of a Homemom is giving away a Crayola Timer Light toothbrush and kit for you. Just tell me which one you'd

Callinadnra emarginata was Please Help Identify

Calliandra emarginata(Pink Powderpuff)January 10, 2009[edited to include updated information, March 2, 2009]During our vacation in central Florida I spotted this beautiful shrub. Unfortunately there was no one out and about when I took the picture so I could not ask what it was. If anyone can identify this beautiful bush could you please leave a comment? Thanks so much!Thanks to the help of

Another Wordless Wednesday: Boob Scarves

Okay the hubby forwarded me something today and told me to post it for my Wordless Wednesday. Course I'd already told ya'll about Little A's haircut and posted it already. But since he thought it was so funny (and I must agree) here it is.This was fwd to him this morning. All us women always worry about boobs sagging but to make a boob scarf? hehe Happy WW ya'll!

Wordless Wednesday: Before and After Cut

Little A had his first professional cut and seemed to love it, guess we'll see the next time he goes. I'm going to post the before shot and the two after shots I have. Do you remember when your little one got their first cut or trim? Happy WW!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Son wants Playboy

Today my son, (SoccerBoy he's 11) saw in the coupons that the magazine, "PLAYBOY" was available for $12 for a 1 year subscription. The first thing out of his mouth was, "Mom you can get me that for my birthday."hahahhaaha.First, he's dreaming. Second I responded, "What? A magazine.""Mom, they are in bathing suits."My response, "Oh you want women in bathing suits?"He quickly took the leap. "YES!"

Spanish Moss (Tillandsia usneoides)

Spanish Moss(Tillandsia usneoides)Many of the trees in the resort we stayed at during our winter vacation in Florida had a lot of Spanish Moss aka Florida moss, long moss or graybeard hanging from them. I thought it was rather pretty and would have liked to bring some home. Spanish moss is not a true moss but rather an epiphytic plant which grows on other plants. Unlike parasitic plants,

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Giveaway: Crayola Timer Light Toothbrush Bag Kit

I recently got to review a really cute product line by Gum Brand, with this being the Dental Hyigene month what better product right? I received a cute little canvas bag that I can pull the strings and use over and over from Crayola, it held three toothbrushes, floss sticks, soft picks and a few other items. One of those toothbrushes was the Crayola Timer light toothbrush, this is a favorite for

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Book Reading

Oh we went to the Kansas City Zoo on Valentine's Day and the kids have been looking at pictures of mammals and other types of animals ever since. BabyGirl's favorite animal that she actually got to see, due to some being down for remodeling, was the sea lions. She tried hard to get them to chase the ball by telling them what to do but it didn't happen. It's cold out there, they were sunbathing.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Kelly Ripa & Electrolux Do Cupcakes for Cure

Create your own virtual cupcake with Kelly Ripa and actually send it to someone online and they will donate $1 per every virtual cupcake. Donations will go towards Ovarian cancer. Plus every time you log in and send a cupcake you'll be entered to win a Red Hot Red Washer and Dryer.Electrolux is proud to support The Ovarian Cancer Research Fund. Electrolux and Kelly Ripa have teamed up to raise

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tips for Redesigning a Small Space

When dealing with small spaces, sometimes people are at a loss as to which direction to take when pondering a redesign. Transforming a small space can be challenging endeavor, but it is certainly not a impossible one. What follows is a list of a few tips that can help you rise to the challenge when it comes to redesigning your small space.

Windows are Your Friends

Windows are a great source of natural light and can really help open up a small room.
Try scaling back on cumbersome window treatments and play up the role of windows in your small space. Light, airy curtains or open blinds let the light in and open the room up in the process, so stop covering them up and brighten your room in the process.

Choose Colors Carefully

Depending on the dimensions of your room, the wrong color choice can make the room feel smaller. Choosing cool colors and accent pieces helps eliminate the claustrophobic feeling that can be enhanced by warm, dark colors. Stark white trim helps to establish contrast and cool grey tones can really help to create a sense of openness. Accessorize effectively, using accent colors from a rug or piece of art that brings the room together.

Room Orientation

Rearranging your small space may be just what you need to do to make the place feel a little larger. Try to use your walls with longer dimensions to your advantage to play up the features in your space. Also, if you have decided to change paint colors, stripes can help elongate walls either vertically or horizontally depending on the perception and wish you look to achieve.

Find a Focal Point

Whether it's a fireplace, artwork, or piece of furniture, finding a focal point for the room is a great starting point with which to finish conceiving your design. Using the focal point can help you from selecting everything from paint color to figuring out the exact layout of the room. Figure out what you want to focus on when redesigning your small space.

Remove Excess Items

Often when redesigning a small space, we tend to try and keep everything that we currently have and simply move it around. This isn't always the best idea. Excess furniture, accessories, and other items can give a small space a very cluttered feel, which ultimately makes the room feel smaller. Try and maximize your space's efficiency without filling it completely.

This post was contribulted by Holly McCarthy who writes on the subject of trade schools. She invites your feedback at For a link to her website click on the above post title "Tips for Redesiging a small space"

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

As you may and may not know, two weeks ago I started the process of "Living better and Looking Better." Okay, I actually wanted to lose weight and look great doing it. I think it would build my self-esteem up and make me feel great about the way I looked. I took out the pasta and replaced it with delicious fruits and yummy veggies. I'm no longer drinking 3 fraps a day from Starbucks but the

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

FIREPROOF: It May just Save Your Marriage

I recently watched Fireproof and wanted to recommend it to all my married friends/bloggers out there. I think this is one of those movies that is needed in every family home. Now I know this isn't a movie that everyone thinks they want to watch at first and yes "GOD" is mentioned throughout it but this movie has such a special meaning.#1 No matter how well you think you know your mate, you can

Monday, February 9, 2009


BrugmansiaJanuary 14, 2009Overlooking one of the grottoes in Hollis Garden (Lakeland, Florida) was an amazingly beautiful flowering shrub with huge, drooping trumpet shaped flowers. Unfortunately I could not get close enough to see if they smelled as heavenly as they looked. When we arrived home I did a little research to identify this flowering shrub. I would love to grow this pretty shrub if

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Hollis Garden (Lakeland, Florida)

Hollis GardenJanuary 14, 2009During our recent vacation to the sun and warmth of Florida our friends who vacation there for the entire winter (lucky them) took us sightseeing. One of our stops was Hollis Garden. This beautiful 1.2 acre garden that was donated to Lakeland is located on the south side of Lake Mirror Park in Lakeland. It is home to thousands of flowers, trees, shrubs, vegetables

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: BabyGirl Shines

Camera is from my cell so a abit blurry but you can see my BabyGirl just all smiles. :) Happy WW!

Ok I Really Like These Kitchens

I love these kitchens! They are small (ok the first one perhaps not small) but they all prove that you can have GREAT style in a small space. So inspiring!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

V. Motion goes Pink

We recently got the Vtech V.Motion Active Learning system in the mail, by the way, they've turned pink. So now you can choose the original blue with orange. This was a huge thing in this house as most of our game machines are totally boy colors, the girls flipped over this. I mean BabyGirl's favorite color is pink so this was a hit for her.What comes with the Vtech V.Motion Active Learning System

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Steelers WON!

Woo hoo, Steelers won! It sure was a close ending that's for sure. I really thought they would lose in the last 2 minutes of the game when the Cardinals got ahead, but they pulled back up.Steelers 27 Cardinals 23

Super Bowl from Minsky's

As ya'll know, I've blogged about my love for the pizza place, "Minsky's" in the past. Well we are going to begin watching the Super Bowl there, in fact that's where I'm blogging from.We ordered: Two large pizzas (pepperoni & sausage) with curly fries and drinks. I love the sausage, not to fond of the pepperoni. By the way for those reading my blog on a regular basis, yes I am starting my, "Get

Pepsi Super bowl Commercial XLIII

This one wasn't so good, at least not to me. Enjoy the game.

Super Bowl Commercials Already Out

Pepsi has already released a few of their Super Bowl commercials. Want to see them before the big game? Yes, I know that's only in a few but I know ya'll love to see things ahead of time and that's one reason some of us watch the Super bowl.Here are two, let me know which one you like. There was another one but it might not be in the Super Bowl. The one above BabyGirl and I watched together, at

The Change Your Life Challenge Winner is...

The Change Your Life Challenge winner is.....#37pamcallahan said...They all sound wonderful but I think "Getting Organized" wouldhelp me the most.Pam if you could email me at homemom3@gmail .com with your address we'll get this sent out to you. Congratulations!